Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
LEARN MOREEmergency Operations Facility
Project Overview
The Nevada Division of Emergency Management (NDEM) and Carson City Public Works Department has applied to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for federal grant funds from the Emergency Operations Center Grant Program (EOCGP) to construct a new Emergency Operations and Backup Dispatch Center (EOBDC) in Carson City, Nevada. The EOCGP is intended to improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities by supporting flexible, sustainable, secure, strategically located, and fully interoperable EOCs with a focus on addressing identified deficiencies and needs.
A new EOBDC facility will provide more efficient and reliable emergency response capabilities. The proposed EOBDC would house the relocated information technology (IT) department, include additional space for city staff, and consist of an emergency operations center, backup dispatch center, and neighborhood fire station. The facility would provide the infrastructure needed to handle high volume communications during major disasters or other emergencies. The proposed EOBDC facility would eliminate crowded working conditions for personnel and allow the facility to operate at a higher capacity. The proposed EOBDC would improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities and address the deficiencies of the existing facility. Providing a fully capable emergency operation facility that can serve multiple counties is essential for emergency management and to ensure continuity of operations during disasters or other emergency activations.
It is essential that the Carson City, the capital of Nevada, has a fully functional EOC for command, control, and support during emergencies or disasters to ensure continuity of operations Statewide. During the COVID-19 pandemic, consolidating a single EOC to include the surrounding counties during past emergency events proved beneficial as it provided regional communication, planning, and operations during a major emergency. This quad-county EOC is recognized as a model of efficiency and capability by the NDEM. The proposed EOBDC facility would continue the efficiency of emergency response and management of future emergencies (i.e., earthquakes, fires, pandemics, impacts of climate change, etc.) that may affect multiple counties in Nevada.